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Meet That's So Retrograde

Meet That's So Retrograde

Meet Elizabeth Kott & Stephanie Simbari, aka the duo behind our fav pop-wellness podcast, That's So Retrograde

MatchaBar (M): How did you two meet?

That's So Retrograde (TSR): We met at a party through mutual friends in 2012.

M: How did TSR come to be? 

TSR: The podcast was born in 2014 from the conversations we were having with one another. We were offered an opportunity to bring them to podcast form, merging our comedy and fashion backgrounds and offering a fresh approach to the then emerging wellness space: a mindfulness show that infused comedy, pop culture, and style.

M: How is matcha incorporated into your practice? 

Steph: Matcha is my afternoon practice and favorite thing to bring to a party, share with friends, and sleep next to because i love it more than anything (sorry to my boyfriend).

Elizabeth: Oh boy. It's an addiction.  At this point I can't really start work without a matcha hustle (I'm very much a mango flavor person for summer) . Basically I am clutching one anytime we are recording, and now that things are opening up I make sure my purse is big enough to hold one. 

M: Who is your dream guest?

Steph: I'd really love to have Russell Brand on the show- he’s incredibly smart and I feel a soulful alignment with him in that we both live at the intersection of comedy and spirituality…it lights me up from a distance and would be amazing to be able to connect and go deep with him. 

Elizabeth: Goldie Hawn, Ru Paul, Julia Cameron in no particular order.

M: What are you manifesting this year for yourselves & TSR? 

Steph: Manifesting harmony and alignment every damn day. For the specifics, I do a burn + release list every full + new moon and that helps keep me accountable for the tone of my life and the experiences I'm having and hope to have. 

Elizabeth: I'm close to the chest manifester :) but for the show we’ve been at this for 6.5 years and I am loving how the show is evolving and growing as we evolve and grow, so to continue on that path is a delight.

M: Any side hustles we might not know about? ;) 

Steph: Drinking hustle (code retrograde) I'm a writer and actress and that’s what I do with the rest of my time when I'm not napping or ingesting high quantities of edibles. shout out to kiva confections ❤️🔥

Elizabeth: I’ve been quietly consulting and advising for brands for the past decade, starting to be louder about that as a passion of mine with some fun things in the works.

Tune into That's So Retrograde on all streaming platforms (check out our episode!) and keep up with Elizabeth (@elizabethkott) & Steph (@ssimbari)! 


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